...to protect the vital core of all human lives in ways that enhance human freedoms and human fulfilment. ...[human security] means protecting people from critical (severe) and pervasive (widespread) threats and situations. It means using processes that build on people’s strengths and aspirations. It means creating political, social, environmental, economic, military and cultural systems that together give people the building blocks of survival, livelihood and dignity.

The United Nations Commission on Human Security
Ford institute 20th event

20 Years of the Ford Institute for Human Security

The Ford Institute recently held an event to celebrate its 20th anniversary and the launch of a new research program. The event opened with remarks from the Director of the Ford Institute, Dr Müge Finkel & the Associate Dean of GSPIA, Dr. Erica Owen. It featured a selection of guest speakers & panel discussions. Follow the links below to view event highlights & information on the "Online Violence Against Women in Politics" research. 

 Event Details    Photo Album